The attraction to getting rich: Think Positive and feel the Joy

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Think Positive and feel the Joy

You have probably read about the law of attraction or certainly heard about it.
Whether you choose to believe it is entirely up to you.
But let me explain, you can read and hope and wish and ask for things but do you actually get them.

Have you ever heard of the old saying you won't know unless you ask.
Or you only reap what you sow.

I have sat and watched the film the Secret and it excited me.
What I have learnt is you have to believe and you have to feel happy.
What you think is what you get.
So if you think negatively you receive negativity.
If you think positively you receive the same back, try it
It may take a few attempts but listen to your thoughts.

You may say what!

Well we all have lots and lots of thoughts so it is impossible to keep track of them all.
But the best way I find is how you are feeling.
If you feel sad or unhappy in any way this is what you are thinking whether it be conscious or your sub conscious thought.
Change your feelings by thinking of something or someone who makes you happy.
You will then attract the same back.

Try some form of meditation or relaxation to help you, it has helped me.
Love yourself first, feel the love inside and this in turn will show on the outside.

Haven’t you ever heard of like attracts like.
Haven’t you noticed when you are happy and smile at people you get the same response back.

If it’s more money you want then I find you have to love the money you do have.
As you begin having more fun and start loving yourself you may find by loving what money you have you may see more money being attracted to you. Your mind will create associations between more money and having fun.
When you receive money love that money feel the joy and you’re conscious and subconscious mind will begin looking for more ways you can have more fun and, as a result, you will have more money.

This doesn't just work with money, it can work on anything you put your mind to and believe in what you are doing.

Try it and see for yourself like I have.

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